Paradigm assists communities with pre-planning to effectively respond to pipeline emergencies. At each program, local pipeline and gas distribution operators network with local emergency officials, public officials and excavators.
All emergency response personnel should attend. Your local pipeline and gas distribution operators want to meet you, the subject matter experts from the emergency response profession. Successful response to any incident is built from good relationships and effective training. Without you, we cannot have a successful response.
Excavators:Excavators in all industries should attend. Having updated damage prevention and safe-digging information is critical to safely working near and maintaining the underground infrastructure in your area.
Public Officials:All public officials should attend and participate in the Coordinated Response Exercise (CoRE).
To develop or maintain relationships with your local pipeline and gas distribution operators. You will also be able to network with fellow first responders and operators in your area to pre-plan a coordinated response, as well as receive updated operator and emergency contact information.
Excavators:To learn how to reduce your costs associated with damaging underground utilities. Information regarding safe digging and damage prevention information will be shared, as well as a state one-call overview. Attendees can also network with local pipeline and gas distribution operators to discuss new techniques for keeping your team and communities safe.
Public Officials:Regulations suggest local government and public officials should help protect, recognize, report, and respond to suspected pipeline emergencies
Additionally, participating officials will learn financial responsibilities, including response tactics, to help keep your community safe.